Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thank You!

Six more beautiful siggies have arrived this week - Thank you!  I have received three dozen so far and enjoy looking at the siggies and reading the letters.  It's fun to hear from other quilters. This week's quilters were from age 13 - 73 years old.  It's nice to see so many enjoying the same craft.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day and Abundance BOM

My fantastic daughter is cleaning the house today.  It's what I wanted for Mother's Day.

So here's what I did with my free time:
Thank you Punkin for the great gift!

30 Siggies!!!

I received three more siggies today -

Delicious Chocolate

Bright Sunshine

and a CUTE CAT!


Friday, May 6, 2011

A Great Siggy Week!

Spring is here, the trees are in bloom, seven ducklings crossed my path today and I received 11 siggies and letters during the past week - How EXCITING!  I loved hearing from all the quilters - sharing a little about themselves and a siggy block.  What beautiful blocks, so unique!  I need to start a quilt/wall hanging soon so I don't wear out the edges looking at them. 

Abundance BOM

Here's two more blocks to add to the free BOM from my local quilt store. You bring in the previous block FINISHED and they'll give you a new block to complete. It's a great way to keep up...everybody likes a freebie.

